
Goedele Peeters

Visual artist, Mortsel, Belgium, 1960

Goedele Peeters (born 1960 in Mortsel, lives and works in Antwerp) bases her graphic work on photographs and sketches of what fascinates her most during outings in nature or in the city: circular fountains, ovals, ellipses or enclosed spaces in a landscape. The woodprints are printed layer upon layer with ever-changing details in each layer, just as a poem displays its atmosphere line by line, trying to capture its reader in the process. She usually works with only one color print followed by several layers of gray. With each print the result becomes darker.

Further reading in download.


Galerie Lloyd is a contemporary art gallery located in the centre of Ostend, across Ensor Museum. Our focus is on painting, drawing and sculpture, organising mainly solo exhibitions.


Opening Hours

Saturday & Sunday
14.00 – 18.00

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